Flash Games running off of ruffle, on their very own webpage. Making it easy to embed right onto your website! May take a smidge to load.

This is different than the ¨pack¨ as this version is just each game on its own page, which makes it better for embeds. Also, yeah I know it looks straight out of the late 90’s but whatever. If the link attached is down, then I’m most likely updating it.

Also, in case something happens, heres a backup:

Note: I do not take credit for ANY of this website except for the code housing all of these things together.


DXinteractive - Creator of Bloxorz & Electricman 2 - Website: - Felix Wiesner - Creator of Miami Shark, New York Shark and Sydney Shark - Paul Neave - Porter of Tetris, Pacman, Asteroids and more - Website: - Tom Fulp / Dan Paladin - Creator(s) of Dad n’ Me & Alien Hominid - Website:

Also, you don´t have to give credit if you iframe or embed this for your own website. I don´t care.