Flash Games running off of ruffle, on their very own webpage. Making it easy to embed right onto your website! May take a smidge to load.
This is different than the ¨pack¨ as this version is just each game on its own page, which makes it better for embeds. Also, yeah I know it looks straight out of the late 90’s but whatever. If the link attached is down, then I’m most likely updating it.
Also, in case something happens, heres a backup: https://chili-bowl-flashv3.glitch.me/
Note: I do not take credit for ANY of this website except for the code housing all of these things together.
DXinteractive - Creator of Bloxorz & Electricman 2 - Website: https://damienclarke.me/ - Felix Wiesner - Creator of Miami Shark, New York Shark and Sydney Shark - Paul Neave - Porter of Tetris, Pacman, Asteroids and more - Website: https://neave.com - Tom Fulp / Dan Paladin - Creator(s) of Dad n’ Me & Alien Hominid - Website: https://newgrounds.com
We Create Stuff - Creators of Portal: The Flash Version - Stabyouself - Creators of Mari0 - Website: https://stabyourself.net - Bored In School HTML - Orginal hosters of a HTML version of Mari0 - Github: https://github.com/PiSaucer/boredhtml - Runouw - Creator of Super Mario 63 - IMockery, Pesto Force and the Pox Box (Team Bobbo) - Creators of Abobbos big Adventure - Dennis-Gid - Creator of Ultimate Flash Sonic - Miniclip - Creator(s?) of Commando - Team Meat - Creators of Meat Boy - Lousi - Creator of Age of War - Puffballs United - Creator of Henry Stickmin - Xgen Studios - Creator of Defend Your Castle - JohnoChrome (FKA JohnBro) - Creator of Riddle School - D-SuN - Creator(s?) of Mario Combat - Splapp-Me-Do - Creator of the Impossible Quiz - Y8.com - Creator / Hosters of Slope (note: this version has ADs, which sucks.) - Brad Borne - Creator of Fancy Pants - Max Abernethy - Creator of Cubefield - Taito Corporation - Insperation for Bubble Shooter (Creator of Flash Version n/a) - Nintendo - Creators of Super Mario 64 (Code from 28klotlucas2, though he is not the original creator of the port.) - ondras - creator of custom tetris (tetriscust in the files) - Google - Creators of the Dinosaur game (Wayou made the conversion) - iD Software - Creators of Wolfenstein (Port by https://github.com/loadx/html5-wolfenstein3D) - Stayko (https://github.com/stayko) - Creator of JS Blackjack used - Atari - Creator(s) of Pong, Centipede, and more - Shift-Refresh Consulting - Creator(s?) of Flash version of Pong - gamedesign.jp - Creator(s?) of Flash Version of Hanafuda and the How to Guide - Mojang - Creator(s) of Minecraft and its ¨Classic¨ Webport - 3kh0 - Reverse Engineer of Minecraft Classic, Retro Bowl and Basket Ball Stars - New Star Games - Creator(s?) of Retro Bowl - Gabriele Cirulli - Creator of 2048 - Github: https://github.com/gabrielecirulli - Ruffle Team - Creator(S) of Emulator used - Website: https://ruffle.rs/# - Ben Firshman - Creator of (other) emulator used - Website: https://fir.sh/ - Aidan Harris - Creator of LodlineGBA basis for (other, other) emulator used - jackmonty753 - Hoster of GBABandicoot, edited version of emulator above - Me (SeanS) - For making this - You - For playing it -
Also, you don´t have to give credit if you iframe or embed this for your own website. I don´t care.