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id='header'>Press de button I got bored :\ shout out to carter! shout out to jason! shout out to austin! shout out to daniel! (had to add this myself :( ) good job //init object globally var objImage= null; function init(){ objImage=document.getElementById("image1"); objImage.style.position='relative'; objImage.style.left='0px'; objImage.style.top='0px'; } function getKeyAndMove(e){ var key_code=e.which||e.keyCode; switch(key_code){ case 37: //left arrow key moveLeft(); break; case 38: //Up arrow key moveUp(); break; case 39: //right arrow key moveRight(); break; case 40: //down arrow key moveDown(); break; } } function moveLeft(){ objImage.style.left=parseInt(objImage.style.left)-5 +'px'; } function moveUp(){ objImage.style.top=parseInt(objImage.style.top)-5 +'px'; } function moveRight(){ objImage.style.left=parseInt(objImage.style.left)+5 +'px'; } function moveDown(){ objImage.style.top=parseInt(objImage.style.top)+5 +'px'; } function spin(object) { setInterval(function() { object.style.transform += "rotate(10deg)"; }, 1); } var context; function init() { context= myCanvas.getContext('2d'); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle="#0000ff"; // Draws a circle of radius 20 at the coordinates 100,100 on the canvas context.arc(100,100,20,0,Math.PI*2,true); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } var x = document.getElementById("myAudio"); function playAudio() { x.play(); } function pauseAudio() { x.pause(); } window.onload=init; onkeydown='getKeyAndMove(event)'>